
first time i've ever been thrilled to get an A minus

that said, i've spent all day at the mechanic's with tank and i still feel the need to do something highly productive tonight. are you a type A? find out here. (it's very scientific.)


  1. yeppers...me too!

    and you're right. very scientific!

  2. seriously, now we're even commenting at the same time... check my response to your story.

  3. Hahaha apparently I do too but I don't believe em!

  4. hi there - i love your blog & decided to try this out - i'm defo a Type A... no surprise there! not much on my blog yet but there's alot more to come, esp when i get stuck into my sewing course in September:) love your stuff on burdastyle ;P

  5. hey lyndi, welcome!

    we're all type As, eh? do you think it has something to do with being crafty?


i thankya truly for taking the time to comment, i love a good conversation-- and hope you know my thanks are always implied, if not always written!