
ho ho WHOAH!

all i wanted for christmas was r...

but r was naughty...
   and brought me a new laptop.

i hope santa was nice to you!


  1. I don't get gifts from Santa! I get them from angels... and my family.
    Merry Christmas, as much as it is left. :-)

  2. Thank goodness for naughty husbands ;) Merry Christmas!

  3. What a nice surprise from R!!
    By the way that angel ornament looks awfully familiar--Oona I think you spruced her up a bit?

  4. OOOOH, how FAB. New 'puters are the best!
    Oh, and re: wise old owl cookie jar.... WHOAH to that!

  5. a laptop! lucky you! my hubby was also naughty. he gifted me a Keurig coffee machine, a Roomba (yes!!!) and a generous gift card for craft supplies. 'twas a good christmas indeed -- but it would've been so even without the presents. :)


i thankya truly for taking the time to comment, i love a good conversation-- and hope you know my thanks are always implied, if not always written!