you get an extra chance to win if you link to these absolutely fantabulously freaking talented ladies on your bloggity blog. of course i want an extra chance to win, and as a nice bonus the handful of folks who swing by here might click and throw their names in the hat! share the wealth, i always sa--
(a tap on oona's left shoulder:)
evil oona: dude. that means more peeps to compete with. KEEP IT TO YOURSELF, GODSAKES.

(pictured left to right: The Caracarmina Petit Frida Brooch Giveaway ; The Streamer Frock Grosgrain Giveaway)
the images above are the work of caracarmina and grosgrain, respectively. click on the links below the images to visit each giveaway. i hope it's alright to show them to you here, but you just have to see the eye candy to click, ya know? and they go so well together! i am in love with both of them. please go visit to see more awesomeness!
and ps: be on the lookout for a little giveaway of my own here in a few.
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i thankya truly for taking the time to comment, i love a good conversation-- and hope you know my thanks are always implied, if not always written!