
the walls have ears

i'm shocked and appalled at myself, really.  not only did i spend two hours on twitter yesterday (a site that both myself and brother beast scoffed at years ago when big daddy said we should join), i mostly gummed up tilly's #sewingsocial chat with talk of booze.  i'm in danger of becoming a cliche.

(but really, wouldn't a cocktail bar with a vintage sewing machine at every stool be AMAZING?  i think i'd call it "the sew glow".  to combat the cheesiness of the name, it would need an old electric sign that buzzed and flickered dangerously.  as i tweeted and twatted: i would have cartons of multicolored cartoon bandaids on hand, and i'd devise some sort of clear protective shield around the needle for the more boozy clients.  beverages would of course be sewing inspired, "the singer sling", "the overlocked", "the seam ripper".   tailor made drink names. hell, that's a good one too!  of course each machine would also need a retrofitted cocktail tray hovering just above the handwheel.  whenever a sewist's hand reached for said wheel: why look at that, my glass is just an inch away, i might as well have a sip.  THAT'S PRODUCT PLACEMENT, YO.)

did you attend the festivities?  it was almost like having a real life meetup, which of course is scary in a ray bradbury the walls are living computer screens sort of way.  it's easy to get wrapped up in it and lose the day.  so what did i do to battle that sinkhole?  i spent another hour downloading twitter apps to streamline the process. elementary.

tweetdeck came up the winner.  i'm certain it will keep me from endless scrolling and refreshing on the next chat. it lets you add as many categories and columns as you like-- mentions, hashtag searches, conversations... it gives you little media previews...  it will project game of thrones on the back side of your house... no wait, that's bradbury again.  the screenshot looks quite vain, but i found so many conversations i missed during the chat. and, i like me some me anyway.  

you're pretty cool, too.       


  1. Okay I was LOL at the drink names...they are definite winners! You need to brand those so no one else can steal your idea!

    1. ha! part of me was thinking, but if i write this, someone will steal it and make it reality!. then i realized i REALLY want to go there. if someone beats me to it, i will be a very happy patron.

  2. The Bobbin. I'd call the bar The Bobbin, were I you. Serve drinks in pewter cups shaped like thimbles. Here are some more drink names: Pinked (makes you walk in a zig-zag), The Muslin (leaves you in an altered state), Dressmaker's Dummy (leaves you speechless). They should not let me out of the attic so often, mwa ha ha.

    1. You'll want a finance-savvy person for your business partner. Sadly, I have no head for business, or for numbers. (I usually measure using my hands and fingers, or by folding and pleating to get evenly divided portions, instead of using a measuring tape or ruler.) Let me start a running list of creative ideas, though. I'll put it beside the list of "Worst Ice Cream Flavors Ever" that I keep for a friend whose husband owns a local ice-cream emporium. Okra Four-way, anyone? Crunchy Laxative? No?

  3. I did miss the twitterness (as I have still not gotten on the twitter bandwagon) but really, you need to work on the sewing bar! Of course, the first thing you need to do is come up with some snazzy recipes to go with those drink names! I volunteer to be taste tester!

  4. I had a blast and its great how technology got us so close !We have such a diverse and fun group of blogging friends all over the world and its so fun to be able to chat live with each other.

    1. it really was cool. for the next one i'm having a brunchy drink handy.

  5. I popped my head in but then had to run. It was fun while I was there, though I think next time I'll have to participate using something like TweetDeck so as to really stay in the conversations. Love the drink names, by the way.

    1. tweetdeck really keeps it organized. i tried tweetchat but you couldn't narrow it down as much.

  6. Yeah tweetdeck is considered the daddy. I have not downloaded it yet, had an overdose of Twitter a few years ago, I was a fanatic on it lol. I have cooled down now.

    1. i could see it going there with me, i'm going to have to be careful.

  7. Oh, a Seam Ripper!!! I'm thinking Redbull mixed with Jager, dropped into a glass of lemonade alcopop. Then you drop THAT glass into a fishbowl margarita that's been sugar- AND salt-rimmed. After one sip one suddenly doesn't mind so much about all the seam ripping one has to do.

  8. I'd call the bar "The Gathering"

    Nice to know about tweetdeck. I had a hard time maneuvering around when I popped in briefly-- my first time tweeting (or twatting- is that an ok thing for a school teacher to write? lol). I felt like the little old lady who doesn't realize the video camera is already on. I'm learning.

    1. now that's good. can i steal that? but i kind of want it to be on wednesday nights only... The Gathering... a weekly event where drinks are half off as long as your make includes gathering... door prizes for best gathering of the night... hell, for worst gathering too...

      i was thinking just that when i let you know you had made it to the group and then heard nothing. too funny.

  9. I would totally come to a bar named Sew Glo! Just please promise me you'll have this playing non-stop in the background:


    Talk about classy! ;)

  10. Hey Oona if you ever fancy taking a trip to Krakow, there is actually a Singer bar there!
    (although it's obviously nowhere near as cool as the one you've planned)

    Not my pic btw

    1. oh dear god, the machines, the glorious machines, THEY'RE ALL WET!

      i never even considered machines already set in tables. how could i miss that?

  11. Ah, you make me sad, I have been avoiding twitter like the plague for years but this sounds like so much fun.

    I always really liked the tv-screen walls, myself. Perhaps I was not picking up on some of the subtler subcontext. I'm pretty sure that's my husband's goal for the livingroom...

    I want to go to your bar. Now I am trying to come up with a sewistic name for a drink involving Bailey's...

  12. Sorry I missed out on all this radness, bar and drink naming... I vote for the Bobbin bar! There is a place in Paris called the Sweat Shop where you can have tea and cake and sew.. No? not the same thing? well... I guess not....


    1. now, how have those parisians not gotten on the alcoholic tip?

  13. PS Oona, I always thought a sewing non-profit would be so cool, kind of like the bike kitchen but for sewing, where someone there could help with projects, and it only costs like 5$ an hour to sew..probably a pipe dream...

    1. it seems LA would e the place to do it, what with all the little guest houses everywhere... just walk out your back door to the sewing circle... even a garage. trystero coffee runs out of a garage.

  14. There was a place in Santa Monica called the Urban craft center where you could drop in and use their workspace and even equipment. They recently went out of business. It was a little pricey, and their space was taken up with classes most of the time, making it not that great as a work space. I often thought they would have done so much better if they were a cafe too, but a bar? I just know they would still be in business if they served me drinks while I sewed!

    1. i mean, it's an idea whose time has come. maybe i should do a kickstarter.

    2. Yes! I would invest! too bad Urban Craft Center didn't make it..

  15. When's this bar opening? I'M TOTALLY THERE!

  16. Seriously. This bar is a must. The Seam Ripper!? Brilliant!

  17. Ah the twitter. I still have not used it. You crack me up. I love your fast wit. So fast. Ray Bradbury, ha!


i thankya truly for taking the time to comment, i love a good conversation-- and hope you know my thanks are always implied, if not always written!