I'm finding it hard to remember the last time I put Actual Garment Fabric under my sewing machine. It probably wasn't that long ago...maybe a little over a week...but I think a day in sewing is something akin to dog years. IT'S BEEN ROUGHLY 56 YEARS SINCE I'VE STITCHED CLOTH.
I'm also the girl that woke up on Sunday knowing it was Monday till my IG feed proved otherwise. The rules of Time are optional around here.
But everyone in the world should wake up on a Sunday knowing it's a Monday! WHAT A DELIGHT WHEN YOU FIND OUT OTHERWISE! (Preferably, before you're on your commute to work.) It was like I bent time to my will and graced myself with ANOTHER FULL DAY OF WEEKEND! I AM OONA, RULER OF THE UNIVERSE!
(We had an in-house screening of Flash Gordon on Saturday night. So.)

Settled in my sewing queendom that Super Sunday, I contemplated my subjects like Ming the Merciless. Stretch Velvet from the Planet Velvaxus (so dubbed by Ruggy, my right hand Klytus) tried to tempt me with its lustrous ways, but no dice. Minions from the Silkworm Moon presented floral lengths, I was severely displeased. Let's face it, we might as well be living on Frigia, I have no time for your summer silks!
No fabric could charm me. No, lately, my toy of choice has been rope. Don't know why. I've been cutting and stitching the stuff with no real plan, but Empresses don't need a plan. I was ravenous for more thread and texture. Suddenly, I needed to weave! I needed to weave a medallion, yo! A SYMBOL OF MY ULTIMATE RULE!
BLAST IT ALL, I thought, shaking my fist at the heavens, I NEED MORE ROPE! AND I NEED IT TO APPEAR BEFORE ME RIGHT NOW!
My ruthless eyes fell upon the subjects of the Planet Boucle. Excellent. I started harvesting organs from every scrap I could find.
My ruthless eyes fell upon the subjects of the Planet Boucle. Excellent. I started harvesting organs from every scrap I could find.

As the day lingered (and it did linger gracefully, ending in a phantasmagoric meal that I am still wistful for), I would occasionally bellow to the room, THIS IS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER MADE. Really? my friend queried. Well, pretty much any new thing I'm working on is THE BEST THING I'VE EVER MADE until I'm working on something else.
The look on his face said that this was a rule he was keen to adopt.
I used this tutorial from Free People to get me going (HA! DELICIOUS IRONY! There are no Free People in my Queendom, only subjects who bend to my will!) and a cardboard box for a loom. (I would have preferred something a bit more blingy, in fact I almost wrapped the board in washi tape before I embarked.)
So far the ideas for this medallion are: 1. Back of a cropped jeans jacket, 2. Train on a dress with added peacock feathers, 3. Hat.*

*Because of the whole Frigia thing, dontcha know. I'm working on obliterating that planet with my awesome powers this weekend.