
A Gallery Tunic, + Giveaway!

A Gallery Tunic, + Giveaway! | oonaballoona by marcy harriell


A Gallery Tunic, + Giveaway! | oonaballoona by marcy harriell

I took these shots exactly one year ago, and I sure thought I was going to take updated ones (with my glorious, new, BARELY USED birthday camera) for this post. But, although I've gained more hair, I've lost two inches everywhere else (which I am completely stumped by). This tunic needs some alterations! Do you know how much I don't want to handle this gorgeous woven fabric again? I mean, yes, the fabric is delicious. Like, threaded through with ribbony-neon-satiny delicious. But those threads also want to come loose if you breathe the wrong way. So rather than mess around with this again, I might just wait and see if those mysterious inches come back. Enter dressform!

A Gallery Tunic, + Giveaway! | oonaballoona by marcy harriell

Ah, and my dressfrom doesn't pull wackadoo poses that alter the line of the stripes. Thanks Wolfie.

BUT WHAT IS THE PATTERN, you ask? This is my version of The Tunic from the latest entry on your sewing bookshelf: The Tunic Bible, by Sarah Gunn and Julie Starr. (Don't they sound like they should be a duo of sleeper spies in a Bond movie? Their weapons are their Ginghers.)

A Gallery Tunic, + Giveaway! | oonaballoona by marcy harriell

I met Sarah through the Mood Sewing Network, and have had the pleasure of hanging with both she and her squeezable husband several times. Lovely. People. She even let me break her camera when we first met, on her birthday, no less! When asked if I would like to contribute to a secret project, there was no question.

The reveal: a tunic tome! Admittedly, tunics are not the norm in these parts, but then again, nothing's normal in these parts. I jumped in. I never knew tunics could have so many OPTIONS. Choosing and making the placket was huge fun-- 

A Gallery Tunic, + Giveaway! | oonaballoona by marcy harriell

I added a trim made out of, I don't know, hay? I sees a rogue straw that needs clippin'!

The book shows you how to customize these to the hilt. My choose-your-own-adventure was: outside facing wide split placket, angled collar, side splits, short sleeves, side zipper, back darts, dress length. PHEW. My only addition was to add front darts (which, after I took the initial photos, I felt was a little unnecessary).

My heart's desire was maxi length, with a thigh high side split, but I didn't have enough fabric. I always think I have more fabric than I do. Funny story: I was trying to explain the height of Michael Jackson's concert stunt double to Rob last night. I was an unwilling audience member, and I was sneak attacked by his doppleganger afterwards. As I hollered at my cousin about how it was totally bogus that the last number was lip synched, the Man In The Mirror was suddenly floating by my side, looking exactly like Michael Jackson. You know, he just gets so tired, he exerts a lot of energy, he breathed in a weird lilting voice. I blinked at the alien creature. And you know this because...?     Oh. I'm his stunt double, for the magic trick when he disappears onstage. It's fun he intoned, approximately eight feet above my head. 

You understand Height and Distance the same way you understand Children's Ages, was Rob's response. Michael Jackson was short.

All this is to say, I always think I have more fabric than I do.

A Gallery Tunic, + Giveaway! | oonaballoona by marcy harriell

SO! Back to the book! Would you like a copy? If you just can't wait, you can grab one on Ye Olde Amazon (affiliate link), or, if ya feel lucky, leave a comment on this post and you'll have a shot at winning a free copy courtesy of C&T publishing. The lucky winner will be announced October 11! I believe there's a winner for every step of the book tour this October, so follow along here...

ETA! Giveaway will close on Tuesday October 11 at 9AM EST, at which point I'll close the comments. Though it's hosted by C&T publishing, I'll use a random number generator to choose the winner (and possibly employ some detective work to track you down. If you haven't got a web presence linked to your profile, be sure to check back here, or attach info to your profile. Good luck!)

3: C&T, Pattern Review
4: Cloning Couture, Generation Q Magazine 
5: oonaballoona ,Featherstitch Avenue
6: Allie J, Thanks I Made Them
7: Sew Busy Lizzy, Jennuine Design
8: Inside The Hem, Girls in the Garden
9: Sew Manju, My Love Affair with Sewing
10: Evolution of aSewing Goddess, Creating in the Gap
11: House of Pinheiro, The Tunic Bible             


  1. Aha, I do wear fair amount of tunics, so I would have a need for this... :)

  2. Really would like to win this!!! :D

  3. You look lovely! And I LOVE that fabric :)

  4. Half the challenge is the right fabric for the pattern, and you nailed it. Awesome!

  5. Wow! I wouldn't ever have identified this dress as a "tunic." You've sold me, I've got to have this book!

    1. haha! thank you! do remember that i added front darts, which isn't included in the pattern, but really is such an easy addition. just pinch them in during fitting! the gazillion other customizations are all in the book ;)

  6. Would love to win that book! Always love your posts, you add color to my life.

  7. Love your version of tbe tunic! That fabric is gorgeous!

  8. Ohhhhhhhhh the fabric that you choose! Love your tunic Oona. Please enter me in your contest!

  9. Squee, tunics! And you always get the best fabric :-)

  10. Love the fabric, it's gorgeous!

  11. Wow. That tunic looks fantastic on you. Love the fabric. I would like to be entered into the draw.

  12. That is so lovely.

  13. ohhhh I love tunics! yours is adorable & I'd love a copy of the book so I can make some too

  14. Such a pretty tunic. Must be hard to keep it secret for a year.

  15. Such a beautiful fabric. Worth the trouble!

  16. I realize this project is form last year, but any chance you remember where you found that fabric? So, so good!

    1. absolutely-- got it from metro textiles. but i think kashi sold out of it pretty quickly!

  17. Great tunic! It looks so good on you. I love the trims you added.
    I'd like to magically lose some inches - any tips? :)

    1. lololololooooolllll! hmmm. maybe it has to do with having finally perfected my fit adjustments. my brain told my body to change my shape so i don't get too cocky ;)

  18. Great tunic....fabric is de-gorgeous....would love to win a copy of the book!!!!

  19. I've been struggling with office wear and tunics permit leggings and I love leggings.

  20. Totally dig the tunic my dear. Impeccable fabric choice, as always!

  21. loving this tunic! you look sassy!



  22. The fabric for your tunic is fabulous.

  23. I love your version of the tunic, you look great in it!

  24. I feel like living in the South I should have at least 1 of these in my wardrobe!

  25. Your tunic looks awesome. I love that bias detail on the placket. And the aside about measuring. . . Well, I read it three times trying to work it out. Haha. Now I know how others feel when I try to relay a dream message.

    1. hell, people have to reread what i say IRL three times to figure it out ;)))!

  26. That tunic is sooo cute. I never really considered tunics an option for me buuuuut your tunic is making me have second thoughts.

  27. You are so funny! I really do like you with much more hair ( my grendma is saying that good person should be very noticeable , it usually means big body, but in yout case big hair definitely do the trick). Your tunic is beautiful body and fabric! The book looks interesting but alas I never win, so it is straight to my birthday wish list haha.

    1. keep the dream alive, you just might win! and i like the way your granma thinks ;)

  28. You are so creative! Maybe there is some of your magic in the book :)

  29. That fabric is amazing!! It looks infuriating but you did such amazing things with it! I'd love check this book out for myself

  30. Won or Purchased, I can't wait to get my hands on this book! I love your version.

  31. I love that fabric. . .just gorgeous!

  32. So brave to tackle a woven. Stunning result about which you look extremely pleased. Must add ... Those boots. Oh, those boots! Happy to have found your space on the Interwebs. -- ldp

    1. welcome! and the boots are miz mooz, a few years old. i love their nice wide footbed, gotta be comfortable!

    2. Wide feets ... UNITE! This is where I should be thanking you for the information, although the SO and my bank account may not be. But who doesn't need at least one fab pair of boots for fall?! -- ldp

  33. Love your tunic, beautiful styling and color!

  34. Superb match-up of personal style, fabric and design elements! It's obvious you made it (and wear) it with such confidence. Did you make a muslin or wearable test before cutting into this amazing fabric? Was there a lot of thought behind your choices, and adjustments made along the way? Or was there some luck involved? I ask because I prefer being lucky to being good. Sometimes when I am not lucky, I try to make up for it with skill. Or I overplay, and get tired of it before I'm even done. But this is just good!

    1. well, i'll tell ya, there's not really enough fabric in my stash for muslins...and imo, if the muslin fabric doesn't mimic the fashion fabric, what's the point? i do as much fitting as i can with the paper pattern, often using swedish tracing paper. then i go for it. this pattern was obviously well drafted just from looking at the paper fit, so i went for it!

      in terms of fabric pairing, i'd say i get lucky. cuz i'm ALWAYS pairing the odd couple!

    2. oh! and i hear you on the overplaying. sometimes i look at a work in progress and call it overworked and underpaid. i usually say this out loud to the garment, as if it will respond enthusiastically.

  35. You are amazingly free!! My free spirit animal lol. Would love to win😁

  36. Love your tunic---would love the book, so if I don't win, I'll buy it. ;) The fabric does look like it will unravel just by looking at it. By the way, did you see the Chanel Paris Fashion Week Show from yesterday? There's a dress that reminds me an awfully lot of your post from a couple of days ago. I don't think I can post a photo here...I'll try IG.

  37. Oooh, this book looks so good--and your tunic is amazing! Great job designing to match pattern and fabric
    drlbennett at gmail dot com

  38. ooh! I have this fabric. I never thought to make it into a dress. It looks awesome!

  39. Wow!
    I'd love to make such a stunning tunix like yours

  40. Omg, I adore tunics! I'd love to attempt this one, but with a more friendly to beginners fabric. ☺️

  41. Your tunic is lovely inside and out! Would love to get my hands on this book. It's on my Amazon wish list

  42. In awe of your sewing skills Marcy! The fabric is beautiful but takes a lot of courage to face a loose weave and win with matching grainline on bias cut. Oonaballoona chooses crazy, nice fabric, Marcy deals with it beautifully.

    1. haha!!!! i love that--i imagine myself shaking my head in amusment at oona, and getting on with the sewing ;)

  43. Aiiieee! That fabric is perfect for that garment! As always! I'd love a copy of this book, too :-)

  44. Omg!omg!I'm having a serious fan girl moment, the fabric is BEAUTIFUL! OK I definitely need this book!

  45. Would love to win this book please. jennylarking at gmail dot com

  46. Beautiful, as usual!

  47. yes! love tunics! thanks for the giveaway!

  48. Wanting more (and, of course, very specific) tunics is what got me into garment sewing in the first place! So, I'm definitely gonna need this book. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Also, can I let you know that your blog brings me joy EVERY SINGLE TIME. Seriously...thank you for being fun and loving wild color and pattern. It makes my heart sing.

  49. Oh, I would love to win a copy. :)

  50. Oh how I would love to win. Pick me pretty please. Lol. Your tunic looks great!!!!

  51. Your take on the tunic has sold me on the potential of this book: I'm in! I love the side splits and the placket and everything about this dress...tunic...outfit...thing. Fabulous!

  52. Well, my sewing is not at your level. Nor is my eye for fabric... But, I can definitely make a tunic!!!! I'll try my luck in a drawing one day before my birthday!😜

  53. Do tell...did you create those perfectly coord-natin' earrings? You've been a big inspiration for me!

  54. Beautiful tunic & just love the fabric!

  55. Gorgeous fabric, looks great on you, and I hope I win the book.

  56. LOVE IT!! So fabulous! You are my colour inspiration!

  57. Wow, that is gorgeous! And, you know, I wear tunics maybe...hmmm...3/4 of the time -- so that book would come in real handy if you were to send it to me. (just sayin")

  58. I have been intrigued by this book and your tunic looks amazing!

  59. Hey! That is gorgeous! Fascinating fabric and verrrrry stylish.
    I would love to win that book... just sayin'.

  60. Wow, the camera breaking episode (I remember, I remember), which was around the time you dropped a wine goblet somewhere (a rather public case of dropsy?).

    It matters not, you look resplendent no matter what you're doing/dropping.

  61. This tunic is beauuutiful!!! Also, completely unrelated, but I've been watching Nurse Jackie- how tickled do you think I was when you suddenly appeared on screen?!

    1. :)) i've played a nurse like 5 times now! i think the universe is trying to tell me something...

  62. The tunic is wonderful. I need to get this book for sure.

  63. Gorgeous! That fabric looks like a nightmare to sew with though!

  64. I am madly in love with the tunic you made for this post. I am madly in love with tunics! They're so forgiving and hide my gigantic kidneys. :)

  65. Your tunic dress is gorgeous! Maybe tunics are cooler than they sound! ;-)

  66. Wow, what an amazing result your tunic looks so modern. I'd written tunics off as being a bit frumpy, but I'm thinking again.

  67. I think I am in love! What a stunning tunic! If I don't win the book, I will definitely purchase it.

  68. That fabric is gorgeous, and is perfect for you. You look beautiful! Can't wait to read the book, one way or the other.

  69. Beautiful job! I can't imagine working with that fabric--you've got talent!

  70. Love your tunic Marcy. Can't wait to see everyone's. I pre-ordered the book and can't wait for it to get shipped.

  71. Two inches she says? Good Lawd buy that girl a sandwich! Wait, strike that - ill give you two of my inches! Lawd knows I have plenty to share! That tunic represents all that I love about you Marcy! Color, pattern manipulation extraordinaire, and really cool textile use. That Bib is drool worthy! Your refreshin posts are what helped me survive fashion school. It reminded me what I love about fashion! So dear, if I win the book, I swear - one year from today - (maybe sooner but dramatic effect demands one year) I will post my version of a tunic specifically for your viewing pleasure - in honor of the awe inspiring Oonaballona blog!

    1. well thank you so much! i'm glad you survived school. CUE DRAMATIC MUSIC.

  72. As soon as I heard about this book, I couldn't wait to see reviews. Your tunic is gorgeous! I'm sold.

  73. I love tunics! Your's is wonderful. I'll be buying this book if I don't win.

  74. Your tunic isfabulous - just like you!!

  75. Lovely tunic! re: the book, gosh the models all look extraordinarily... white. Wish there was more diversity there.

    1. ah, this reminds me, we were watching "westworld" last night, and i was IN LOVE with the range of people on screen! so, i hear ya.

      don't quote me, but i believe the models are made up of sarah (and possibly julie's?) family and friends, and the handful of those same folks are pictured throughout the book in various versions of the tunic. the gallery of thirteen bloggers, however, is very diverse (including yours truly ;).

  76. Beautiful tunic ! I LOVE it that you have a copy of The Little Prince !!

  77. Tunics ARE MY LIFE. I need this book like Superman need kryptonite on opposite day!

  78. Oh my!! i LOVE your tunic - it is gorgeous! The fabric is awesome!!! mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com

  79. Ooh I love me a good tunic and that one you made is stunning. I'm itching to get my hands on this book!

  80. What a fabulous fabric! Would never have guessed this was a Tunic Bible pattern. Can't wait to get it.

  81. I would have thought that I would like tunics until I saw yours. It's amazing. I love the fabric. One thing that I love about sewing blogs it that they inspire me and this definitely does.

  82. This tunic skims you so nicely and what wonderful fabric. I have the oerfect cloth for a tunic, wouldlove to win the book.

  83. Hope mine looks as good as yours does!

  84. OMG--that tunic dress is amazing and the fabric is "killer!!!"" So anxious to get my hands on that Tunic Bible after seeing yours!(bajjmayerAT aolDOTcom)

  85. Unique and lovely, Marcy! I really like how you did the front placket...

  86. A truly Oona take on a tunic. You have a talent for seeing the possibilities in the most unlikely fabrics!

  87. a. drooling - such a beautiful tunic! Love the trim around the placket and hem!
    b. not fair! every time I get a fix on my measurements and get all dressforms precisely padded, I GAIN inches!
    c. don't enter me in the drawing, I already ordered it!
    d. my little eye thinks I spied you with Brooke Shields and some furniture!

    1. your little eye is right! (though your dressform may not be. I HATE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS.)

  88. Love your tunic and that material is stunning! Yes, please enter me in drawing! Headmom30@hotmail.com Thankyouverymuch

  89. Oooh your tunic is sooo gorgeous!!! That fabric..!!! Would love a copy of this book! Thanks for the opportunity :)

  90. Love your tunic and I'd love to win the book.

  91. I really like the fabric on your tunic! Sure would be fun to win the book, you can never have enough tunics!!

  92. Ooh, that fabric!! And I'll play...any pattern that looks like the 60s and hides my mom butt in skinny jeans is awesome.

  93. So quick question- did you use scraps from your tunic to cover your earrings? Or do you just magically have perfectly matching earrings?
    That fabric is so fab, too 😍

  94. I LOVE this tunic!! You are so talented and fun. Keep doing what you do.

  95. I love your blog! Your comments make me laugh every time :). Wonderful tunic fabric pairing. Thanks! I think I need this great looking book.

  96. I have a plan and neeeeed the book.

  97. Gorgeous tunic, I love the pattern and the fabric!!! By the way, Michael Jackson was 5 ft 9 inches, so he wasn't all that small ... ;-)

  98. Yay tunics! Looks great....thanks for the chance to win a book so i can make my very own army out tunics

  99. You look so beautiful. It's only normal to want the book for myself 💜 Ksmith8@emich.edu

  100. Beautiful make thanks for the opportunity

  101. That is one incredibly gorgeous fabric and dress !

  102. There's always room for another tunic in the closet! Yours is divine!

  103. That fabric is just PERFECT for this, I love it!

  104. What an awesome creation (the book looks totally cool too!)

  105. OMG what amazing fabric! I love a good tunic to hide my ever-expanding derrière. ;)

  106. The tunic is super cute BUT the real star is that fabric!!!!!! It's as though all of my embroidery floss got freaky and this fabric is their love child. So amazing!

  107. Love your tunic and your blog - your work is very inspiring.

  108. Love this Tunic pattern and see myself sewing it with different fabrics like Ankara, Ponte etc

  109. Awesome fabric! Love the way you used it on the placket. Can't help but spread joy in a beautiful dress like that. Thanks for sharing! Wendy >Sewingupstream.wordpress.com<

  110. gorgeous fabric perfect choice for this beautiful tunic.

  111. I love the fabric you used. Would love to get started on some tunic sewing.

  112. The fabric is great, the tunic is great BUT your hair as always is the real star. I wish I could literally have 2 inches evaporate without even trying!!!! Would love to have my name thrown in the preverbal hat (so-to-speak) to win the Tunic Book.

    That's all for now, Nancy

  113. You should put the 2 inches back on for the sole reason to be able to wear this tunic again. It's just amazing and it must be worn, all the time. It's beautiful.

  114. Amazing fabric! I seem to have the opposite problem from you. I always think I need more fabric than I do, so I end up with about a yard of scrap after every project! Not enough to usually to much with it, unfortunately.

    Also, I will agree, they sound like spies :)

  115. Love your fabric choice--cant wait to get my hands on this book!

  116. I can see how that fabric would be challenging to work with, but the result is gorgeous! I love tunics and would put this book to great use!

  117. I would love a copy! It would be great to use the beautiful material I purchased in India.

  118. Gorgeous -- the dress too! What amazing fabric.

    You are right, Gunn & Starr sounds like a spy duo for sure -- and I'd love to see how they've secretly coded up these tunics for us all to try out ;)

  119. I love your fabric and trim it's amazing!. and I do love tunics so this book sounds awesome. I know you can't answer every comment but I would be so happy if you took a peek at my blog..http://bohemenoire.wordpress.com/

  120. I have started sewing again after 20 years and would love to make items from the book. Thsnks for a chance to win.

  121. Was skeptical about you in a tunic but you rock it, as usual!

  122. So, MJ was about 13 feet tall? And you thought you had enough fabric to make him a tunic too, but that's when his hair caught fire and he had to cut it short like your cousin said? Or am I totally mixed up in my stories again?

  123. That is seriously a crazy MJ story. I was kind of stuck on that...in a loop...rereading until I zoomed in on those seams... is that lace used as seam tape? It is so perfect. It blends... you got lace to blend so well with that fabric and not even mention it... it is gorgeous.

  124. Beautiful and stylish interpretation of a tunic - just love it

  125. That tunic is the bomb! I want to make one!

  126. Wow! Beautiful creation!!!! You gave "tunic" a new meaning!

  127. I love your blog! You have such great style! This tunic and the fabric you made it with really look amazing on you. I'm inspired to make a tunic now!

  128. So beautiful. I think I could use that book!

  129. Your tunic is my favorite so far. Just love that fabric!

  130. This is so pretty. I would like a shot at the book, too.

  131. The tunic fabric reminds me of some I made a jacket from years ago, it was like an escape artist, you had to pin down before you could get it under the pressed foot. Wore it to death but never again. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  132. Terrific dress. Would love to win a copy of the book.

  133. Lovely tunic. Thanks for the chance to win the book.

  134. I'd love to win a copy of the book!! Please include me in the drawing! Thanks! anniewannieannie@gmail.com

  135. Oh I'd love to win this book and I love your version. jennylarking at gmail dot com

  136. That is a seriously knockout dress! I appreciate the photo of it on your dressform, because then I don't feel like an internet creeper for staring longingly at that placket with the stand collar. #jealous! Looking forward to getting my mitts on that book now...

  137. Beautiful tunic, gorgeous fabric!

  138. Your tunic is beautiful, but not outdone by yours. I would love to win this book and have a try at making a tunic. kathyhills22 (at) gmail.com
