Most weekends, when other teenagers were grabbing their friends and heading to the mall, I grabbed my Nan for a girl's day. Mom would drive us up, drop us off, and we'd spend hours arm in arm, checking out every store, getting a slice of pizza and cake for lunch, meeting at the pickup point in time for dinner.

Nan could change my luck in a store SECONDS after walking past the threshold and taking in the scope of things by simply saying: Nah, there's nothing for us here... As the type of personality that wanted to go through *every rack*, this always dismayed me. But when we hit a store that passed muster, forget about it. You like it? Get two! You love it? GET THREE!

Where the first proclamation made me slump, the second always made me cackle. Nan! I don't need multiples! What am I gonna do with three of the same neon yellow polka dot shirt? And we'd laugh and laugh, arm in arm, ignoring the weird looks from my contemporaries in their teenaged, impenetrable circles.

By the time we got to lunch, we usually had a bag or two of clothing, which I later realized she was buying with her Social Security checks. She lived pretty frugally, spending the money she saved on others (and not just the trivial fashioning of a grandaughter by a woman who raised four rowdy boys and didn't get to play dress-up-- I'm talking, we think she helped put more than a few people through school).

All this is to say, when I saw this jacket: I bought two. I liked the longline style so much, I wanted to take the original idea and run with it. I figured two jackets would morph into one extra long duster. Then....this embroidered mesh caught my eye (and my breath) and I was careening away, off on another track.

When we finished this episode of Re:Fashion Season 2, I realized I had plenty of fabric left over to make another!
You like it? MAKE TWO!

Don't mind if I DO, Nan!

And true to her spirit, I'd like to give the second one away. A little trip to the oonaballoona mall! To get your name in the hat, leave a comment here, and tell me what you love about fashion. I have many layers of love for fashion-- a very fond layer is the memory of those Mall shopping dates with my Nan. I wish she could see what I'm doing now, I know it would make her holler (she often hollered on the phone to me, if there was even a *nanosecond* of silence: MAAAAAAAAAAARCY! Followed immediately by laughter on both ends). She would have been yelling at her TV set to see me wearing this on the Today Show, for sure. And she was always giving, so this seems the appropriate thing to do, when you buy two ❤️
You can also enter on Instagram, but as stated in my last post, the world is not entirely on Instagram, non? But, you'll have two chances to win if you throw your hat in the ring on both arenas.
Full disclosure, the jacket is my size, as I didn't know where I was going till I got there! As usual. Giveaway is open all over the world, and I'll close the entries on Monday Oct 28. I'll throw the winner's initials of choice in crystals the back :)
Speaking of bling, there were also LED lights and all manner of mayhem, courtesy of Rob, on the meandering way to creating this look--to see how I did it, you can catch the full episode here on Bluprint. (If you don't already get your Sewing TV there, you can sign up for a free trial, and right now they're offering a super discounted price of 59.99 for a year, but I think that only lasts through tomorrow! I know I sound like a commercial, but that is SO MUCH LEARNING Y'ALL. Besides getting entertained by all manner of makers, last weekend, I watched Kenneth King sew pockets, & Alison Smith taught me tailoring. Cuz somebody's on the warpath to make a tuxedo.) Links in this post are affiliated, to feed the sewing beast!
What I love about fashion is that each of us is unique when it comes to what we wear. Hopefully our choices empower us to feel confident, beautiful, comfortable, goofy, full of fun, & to show our individuality.
ReplyDeleteThe stories that help shape our love for fashion and crafting make my heart smile. I have so many memories with my mother and hours at the fabric. I love the creativity of this Jean jacket. It’s soooo good!
ReplyDeleteHonestly this is so amazing! I’d never have thought of this combo and I love it!! I love, love that fashion lets me do whatever I want with my clothes. It’s about creativity and connection with myself. Dressing in new and unexpected ways with color and texture makes me feel like myself!
ReplyDeleteI love all your designs but especially this jacket. I had spotted this celestial fabric but couldn’t think of a special way to use it. You are genius!
ReplyDeleteThe jacket is stunning!!!! I was afraid of fashion for so long, couldn’t get it, but as I grew older I finally started to understand that fashion is a power, it gives you the keys to express yourself, be in the light spot with your own unique attitude and I love it! And you are nailing it girl !!!
ReplyDeleteWhat do I love about fashion. Everything. Been a bona fide clothes horse since a wee thing. I also love this jacket, loved watching wave your magic sewing machine wand and turn it into a true work of art. The jacket would be for my youngest, she's about your size and height...give or take. She'd look as smashing in it as you do. ;-) KG
ReplyDeleteI love fashion and how different clothes can transform you. I used to love going to the mall and trying on clothes. Nowadays I spend more time at the fabric store and dream of making beautiful one of a kind dresses. I did not have a Nan like yours. I remember my Nona commenting on a outfit worn by an older woman that the outfit was worth more than she was. She was not a city woman and always wore an apron and a kerchief in her long braided hair.
ReplyDeleteYour nan sounds like an amazing woman. She certainly will be proud to know that not only do you cherish times spent with her but that you learned a lot from her, including being generous in an exciting fun way....OK, Fashion. Taking the 'ordinary' and zhuzhing it up into something fun and unique? What can be more fun than that? Of course I am keeping my fingers crossed hoping I win this jacket but if I don't, I come away with an idea of how to zhuzh us a denim jacket (I probably won't do as great a job as yours. It's bautiful.
ReplyDeleteI love fashion because when I put together a creative new outfit--either of new clothes of old--it alliws me to shout out my love of life, before anyone gets close enough to hear my words.
ReplyDeleteOn Instagram I said that I like the way that fashion makes me feel. That's so true for me. It's about the whole package from head to feet. A cool hat with a casual outfit or high heels when I'm going out with my tall husband. I also enjoy talking and picking out clothes with my 17 year old daughter. She has totally different taste than I do but it's interesting to see what items she puts together. Most times I am amazed at her fashion sense. Or how she puts together dressy with casual for an edgy look. That denim jacket is the perfect marriage of the edge and dressy. I hope I win!
ReplyDeleteI love fashion...especially if it's fun. 'Cause you gotta have fun...or else! I took a step toward fun with my latest PARTY DRESS BALL GOWN a la Marcy! My salute to YOU! I can'tattach a picture, but I think you'd be proud. ;=)
ReplyDeleteAmazing jacket. FUN!
I told you on IG I liked fashion more as a revealer of how folks are at a determined moment of history, but I can also tell you that I like it as it turns around and creates new things out of old trends !
ReplyDeleteBe assured your Nan is seeing what you do. And if you are sitting quietly, you can probably hear her hollaring! Love the jacket.
Wow, love this jacket! I went for sewing lessons when i was 14 and used to make all my own clothes when I was a teenager in the 60's (yes the first time around lol!). Luckily minis were the fashion so I didn't need much material. Now I have discovered instagram! and I sew for myself again, my two daughters and two grandgirls, and three boys so...plenty to do! Ann
ReplyDeleteFashion is a feast for the eyes!
ReplyDeleteNow THAT is AMAZING! My Nan taught me to sew, embroider, knit and crochet. She was amazing too and often gave me fabric for my birthday or Christmas - GOOD fabric. Thanks Grandma!
ReplyDeleteOh, stylish Oona,
ReplyDeleteequal fit to flair,
from the arc of a heel,
to well coiffed hair.
A style maven's maven,
and so a gent's gent,
curved, creased, or pleated,
fashion's my bent.
You wear with abandon,
what pleases your heart,
you share unencumbered,
sartorial art.
Now fashion from you,
it captures my eye,
you "get" the elusive,
and question the "why?".
In a world of sewists,
all helpful and such,
you're elbow length poise,
has a velveteen touch.
So sew Oona, sew,
we need your invention,
you own center stage,
we're honorable mention.
OMG this is perfect!
DeleteI have no idea who you are, Testie, but if you're not a poet and/or a writer - you missed your calling. ;) :)
DeleteOMG I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win a duplicate of the jacket you made on Bluprint!! I binge watched all your Refashion episodes when they are released. PLEASE, I hope you will be making more seasons, Marcy! It has been such an inspiration! Your series have actually inspired me to get more creative in my sewing and even looking at my current wardrobe and refashioning them myself. It has made my creative juices flow! Thank you, Marcy!!!!! P.S. you and your husband are hilarious together!
ReplyDeleteBeing a Grandma that just took my varsity basketball granddaughter shopping a few weeks ago. Man, you can drop a ton in Pink, take two, no way!, take 5!! She thinks she is a jock, but I know better. I've seen those bits of nothing under the shorts. The jacket will look great on her.
ReplyDeleteFashion is like a painting. You can express the way you feel outwardly to other people by choosing the right outfit. Oh and gurl that jacket is fantasmal!!! Some people might say I shouldn’t be considered because I’m a dude...I say anything this amazing crosses gender lines. And I like pretty things �� much love phillymonkey...you can find me on Instagram under phillymonkeyakame ��
ReplyDeleteThis Jacket is amazing and I love your videos, quirky, funny, but above all helpful xx
ReplyDeleteThis jacket embodies a bunch of stuff I love about fashion - it lets you try out different ways of being, can pay homage to people you admire and care about, and looks great. I'd love a chance to win - and am also grateful just to see this much fun in one garment.
ReplyDeleteI love that it sets us up for who we are. It's amazing what you wear can improve your mood but also what you wear can show you, your mood. It's a amazing thing.
ReplyDeleteI love your family stories. I could completely imagine you shopping with my Nan! So lucky to have someone like her in your life, as I was to have mine.
ReplyDeleteThat jacket was my favorite from the latest season. You really do amaze me with your creativity. I can’t wait until season 3. What I love about fashion is that even though not everyone can wear everything, there’s something for everyone that will flatter their look and make them walk a little taller when wearing it.
I hope we get to watch your tuxedo-making adventures! Rob is a lucky guy.
Fashion lets me be playful and try on a new personality. I can be hippie/bohem or formal chic. I've always loved clothes, something I learned from my own Nanny who took me shopping all the time...most often window shopping but just spending time with her was fun. So clothes, jewelry, hats, shoes...it all brings me joy and I am so thankful to Nanny for that.
ReplyDeleteJust a word about my Mom, Marcy's Nan.
ReplyDeleteShe raised four sons alone after losing her husband after WWII. He came back from the war but he never really came back. So, with her spouse AWOL, Nan went to work doing what she loved to do, baking. But she wasn't baking in her kitchen anymore. She worked in commercial bakeries six days a week, including Sunday. On the seventh day, usually a Saturday in a baker's world, she didn't rest because she didn't have time to rest. She shopped and cleaned and did what every other "housewife" had seven days to accomplish.
This was long before the era of women working. This was long before OSHA. Commercial bakeries were in themselves bakeries for the workers. The heat. The flour dust. The long hours of mandatory overtime. There were few rules back in those days, to say the least. But Nan just kept working to provide for her family as both a mother and a father.
I worked in a very tough, physically demanding job in transportation most of my life. Nan worked harder than me or any man I ever knew.
Thank you for your sacrifice. God bless you Nan.
Your Nan reminds me of my Cioci Ann (my grandmother's sister.) She taught me how to embroider and how to crochet and would compliment my hand sewing by telling me how small and straight my stitches were. We would take the bus to downtown Kansas City to see a movie and to go shopping at the "dime store."
ReplyDeleteI love fashion because it is so creative and allows for so much self-expression. And you really rock it! I love this jacket. It is absolutely gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteI love that fashion lets you invent/reinvent yourself any way you want!
ReplyDeleteThe thing that I love about fashion, is that you get to make it your own. I used to think I wasn’t as hip or up to date with all the trends and it made me feel kinda lame, but then I realized, I don’t have to follow in everybody else’s footsteps. My fashion style is my own and I can make it whatever I want! I may not be the most stylish person out there, but I wear what I like and what makes me happy and I think that is the most important part about fashion. As long as you like it and it makes you happy, then it shouldn’t matter what everyone else is wearing! You do you ☺️
ReplyDeleteThis jacket is absolutely stunning and I’ve been obsessed with it since I saw it on the blueprint a few weeks ago! I’ve been trying to figure out how I can somehow magically give myself crafty/sewing skills overnight so I could make this, so when I saw this giveaway I knew it was fate and had to enter! (And that way I didn’t have to try and most likely fail miserably at trying to make a jacket nearly as cool as yours��)! Thank you for this opportunity!
Learned to sew, embroider, crochet & knit when I was 11 to 12 years old. My friends and teachers taught me; not my "nan" or Mom which was always a big disappointment! But through trial and error I learned how to make my own clothes, then on to home décor, then sewing for others; it just keeps getting better. I love your blue jean jacket and thank you for another inspiration. Love you! Lamar Mendiola from Texas
ReplyDeleteWhat I love about fashion is that I can express myself in all the different and amazing pieces that I own.
ReplyDeleteWhat I love about fashion is the empowerment it can bring. Clothes allow us to express ourselves so much without actions or words and can make a day so much better or make you feel so much more confident just because you are wearing clothes you love!
ReplyDeleteWhat a FUN jacket! I will certainly go to Bluprint and watch the show. You are a major talent, as I'm sure a zillion people have told you. I loved watching you on the TV show. I never watch TV, so I would not have seen it without your link. Thanks. I sew every day and I make videos on Youtube. Have quite an amazing fabric and pattern stash.
ReplyDeleteI am just seeing your post now but I must say this jacket has such a huge WOW factor. You go girl. Love it!!
ReplyDeleteI made myself a copy of your jacket, except that I used a Levi's shirt, instead of a jacket, because I live in Florida, and never wear jackets. It is no overstatement to say that I found this project exceedingly gratifying, and have received more compliments on it, than anything else I have sewn - ever! Thank you for being so generous with your very creative mind. I believe you may be my Muse